Relationship Therapy

We are fundamentally social beings and intimacy with others can fuel our vitality and our sense of feeling complete. We feel vibrant, we feel loved, and we feel whole. 

In relationship, we often develop relational habits that can create familiarity between you and a partner. But when these familiar gestures are misinterpreted, are no longer satisfying, or even hurtful, partners begin to feel misunderstood and not seen for their true hopes and intentions. The reliability of how you relate and communicate inhibits a fresh and fulfilling way of being together.

Over time, we begin to dismiss our deeper longings rather than lose the people that we love and rely on. Instead of addressing the dissatisfaction in your sex life with a partner, we learn to inhibit body movement in response to pleasure, we lose awareness of our preferences or our boundaries, or we redirect our longing and expression toward other creative activities, toward other people (time with friends, other lovers, or even substances like alcohol).

At Embodied Relationship Counseling Center, we support you to develop a whole-body sexuality with your partner. This is a powerful opportunity to strengthen the experience of loving and being loved, to practice embodied consent as you give and receive pleasure, and to deepen your bond with yourself while deepening the bonds of a relationship. 

We work with relationships of any orientation to do the following:
○ Learn how to stay in the present moment and speak from the heart during conflicts
○ Transcend unhealthy relationship patterns and heal old wounds that keep partners locked in old patterns
○ Learn tools to effectively communicate needs and resolve conflict
○ Deepen and expand intimacy and your sexual relationship
○ Build a strong, loving foundation for a nourishing relationship

The quality of your relationship is important. Contact us today to find out your options for healing your relationship.